Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Batten Down the Hatches, Mates!!

This just in from the BBC:
"A "mild tsunami" along the South West coast was probably caused by an underwater landslide, a coastal expert has said.

The unusual tidal surge struck the Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Hampshire coastline on Monday morning.

There were reports of rivers changing direction, fish leaping out of water and hair standing on end due to static.

Dr Mark Davidson, from the University of Plymouth, said the surge was quite a "rare" occurrence.

The first reports of the event came from St Michael's Mount in Cornwall.

Boatman Dave Ladner said: "The funniest thing was on the causeway all the ladies' hair was standing on end with the static. was pouring over the causeway like a torrent”

Roland Stewart

"The sea on the eastern side was probably 8ins (20cm) to a 1ft (0.3m) higher than the rest and it was pouring over the causeway like a torrent rather than just a gentle meeting in the middle."

Roland Stewart from Millbrook, near Plymouth, said: "It was quite violent in a way, my dinghy was moving around with the movement of the water and I just wondered what the hell was going on.... within 15 minutes it was all over."

Amateur video footage shot on the Yealm estuary, to the east of Plymouth, shows the surge.

Bob Brown was launching his dinghy at the mouth of estuary at 1015 BST, an hour after low tide when he saw the wave.

He said: "The tide was coming in from left to right, all of a sudden it stopped coming in from the sea and went back the other way.

"It came back at quite a force, all the boats were bobbing around.

Causeway at St Michael's Mount
The sea at St Michael's Mount is normally "a gentle meeting in the middle" of the causeway

"To see a tide suddenly stop and go back the other way at four times the speed was unbelievable."

He said a local landowner told him the first thing he noticed was "lots and lots of fish jumping out of the water".

Dr Davidson, an associate professor in coastal processes, told BBC Spotlight: "[Surges] are quite rare and it's probably not a tidal phenomenon.

"It's probably more likely to be a tsunami of some kind, obviously it's quite mild."

8" to a FOOT???? really Britain? a Tsunami???

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

all built up and no where to go

One of my most favorite musicians/producers/composers etc in the world is BT (Brian Transeau). This past Saturday, I had the crazy wonderment of being able to be at a club where he was spinning live, in Detroit. Now, this man isn't hard on the eyes, has a beautiful daughter, and so, I won't delude myself that I KNOW him, but I have a different kind of respect for a guy who does his 'music thing' and then takes care of his daughter like a REAL man should. It melts my heart and I want to hug him and just be like.."I like you THAT much more!!" Just so he knows it (not like he cares) and smile on the inside, because to me, people need to know that they matter to other people, and not just on the surface. Unfortunately... I did not enjoy his DJing skills as much as I thought I would :( and it did sound pretty much like everyone else until around 1am.. at which time he started mixing some of his tracks in with whatever it was he was mixing. I enjoy, I mean, TRULY enjoy mixing skills. I can't do it. I would LOVE to know how they do it.. and just figure it out from there, but, lets be honest.. I already have too many pokers in the fire. But my main disappointment stemmed from the fact that someone that I had built up in my head since ...1996? Suddenly was less than 3 ft from me and real. I could see him. And I wasn't impressed by the music. :( and that hurt. Because to me, music is life. Art is life. Without them, I would have no way of expression, no outlet; no way in or out. It's not that it SUCKED by any means.. just.. not what I expected. Sigh.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Above all this..

Woman must not accept; she must challenge.
She must not be awed by that which has been built up around her;
she must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression.

~ Margaret Sanger ~